Trendy Sty Landing Page Design

Hello everyone ^v^

nice to meet you all ^v^

on this occasion I would like to share the results of my exploration of UI Design Landing Pages

With so many types of clothing around the world, from well-known brands to local brands, each has its own charm, therefore I was inspired to create a website design that will make it easier for users to find the style of clothing they need more easily. , users can also easily find out what style of clothing is trending, what do you think? ^v^

provide your support and feedback so that we can develop further, thank you very much for your support ^v^

Don't forget to also stop by my social media to see some of my work, and contact me if you need my help with design ^v^

Instagram Design : UI/UX_Nuel_Design

Instagram Owner : Abdullah_Al_Anshari

Telegram : Abdullah_Al_Anshari

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