Battle of the Bands - Logo & Branding

"Warm, Simple, and Bold"

These were the 3 keywords provided by a recent business seeking an identity for their summer Battle of the Bands event. This made me so incredibly excited to do this project, let me explain why...

In a world filled with ads competing to grab the consumer's attention, I truly believe SIMPLE design works best. Creating designs for festivals and concerts can always be challenging since there is a belief in the industry that artwork for these type of events must be "wild," "grungy," or "rough."

However, in my opinion, due to the overwhelmingness of these style of designs and/or ads, when a consumer sees something out of the ordinary, it will cause their eyes to be attracted to that unique piece of design.

For this company's 10th anniversary of their BOTB event, I knew I wanted to include a "warm" summer color palette (which would make it stand out from the typical red, black, brown festival colors) as well as include the "X" in the logo to symbolize the roman numeral for ten years. You also may notice a few slash marks on some of the letters. This was done to incorporate this company's branding.

The biggest challenge I faced was making sure I wasn't creating a design that was "too simple" when compared to other abstract designs. This is why a design brief is so incredibly important. When we designers want to implement our own artistic style into something, we must avoid this temptation and stay in line with what the client wants - not what we want!

In the end, the company was extremely happy and I even had a few close designer friends compliment it as well, which reassured me that I was correct in not following my artistic temptations.

In the next week, I'll be sharing other pieces from this event such as the flyer, icon and more.

Even though this company requested to not be publicly named, it was a dream come true to do this project as I truly believe in the core values of this company. I look forward to potentially doing work for them in the future.

-Taylor R

More by Taylor Rodriguez | Brand Marketer & Creative Lead

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