DISKO - Concert Tracking Mobile App

Disko is a social media app designed to help independent music fans discover and track small local concerts.

The platform aims to create a digital version of existing local music scenes. Users are empowered through community participation as they engage with artists, venues and other users to build their own network for concert discovery.

The app shows upcoming concerts based on the user’s connections and allows them to add concerts to track and receive updates and notifications.

Check out the full case study here!

Research and interview data were synthesized into a Persona that would serve as a valuable reference point during the next design phase.

I then mapped my Persona's journey through the current problem space to extract possible areas for design intervention. 

The first step in translating my research findings into a functioning product was to compile a UI Inspiration Board of existing designs for inspiration.

Then I was ready to begin sketching the first concepts of my solution.

With my Core Flow laid out into detailed Solution Sketches, I was ready to bring them to life in the form of a basic Wireframe Prototype. 

Since DISKO is predominantly a nightlife app, I decided to pull colour inspiration from imagery that utilizes neon colours and urban environments.

I felt it important to use a dark mode-based design with very subtle use of branded colours to help the event posters stand out.

Future Considerations...

An issue that came up during testing was the use of small fonts. A concert listing requires a lot of details in a small space and I struggled with how to incorporate all of them without overwhelming the user.

A future consideration would be to explore UI examples that successfully display large amounts of data in a small space.

Check out the full case study here!

More by Nick Grottick

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