Beautiful Hand-Drawn Portrait for Memorial Day

A mother’s love is a true miracle that transcends time and space. It stays with us forever, and even death can’t change that fact.

A personalized art piece is a great way to capture the strength and beauty of a mother’s love and to commemorate the most important person in your life, even after her passing. It will always remind you that she is watching over you from up above and guiding you through life’s trials and tribulations.

That’s what artists at Covatar set out to capture through this touching portrait. It features a beautiful black woman pictured among clouds and angels. The deep blue color of the night sky has a calming feel to it and compliments the delicate warmth of the woman’s skin tone. The angels sitting on the clouds speak of eternal peace and tranquility, serving as a wonderful reminder that the bad things in life shall all pass. This hand-drawn art piece will bring comfort to anyone who is dealing with a loss of a loved one.

Drop by and use a promo voucher code DRIBBBLE to get a 15% OFF your first order for a personalized hand-drawn digital portrait.

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Posted on Feb 13, 2023

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