Unique Portrait of Two Girls Dressed as Princesses

What little girl doesn’t want to be a fairytale princess? Of course, not everyone’s dream comes true. But the girls featured in this customized art piece definitely got lucky!

Thanks to this hand-drawn portrait, they have been transformed into two magical princesses wearing gorgeous dresses and living in a wonderful castle. To highlight each girl’s unique style and preferences, artists at Covatar came up with different outfits that compliment the little princesses beautifully. We payed extra close attention to the background, making sure that it looked like a scene from a fairytale. This was achieved by using a bright color palette with vibrant shades of pink, green, purple, and blue.

The results turned out to be truly dreamlike. A portrait like this one will be perfect as a personalized birthday gift for any little girl who dreams of magical powers and medieval castles. It will also add a unique touch to any space.

Drop by covatar.com and use a promo voucher code DRIBBBLE to get a 15% OFF your first order for a personalized hand-drawn digital portrait.

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Posted on Feb 10, 2023

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