DOGGO: Pet Care for 21st century Pawrents

DOGGO is a fictional app I created for dog owners to find trustworthy, qualified pet care in their local area. This is my first app design I created for Dribbble's Product Design course. I played the role of researcher and visual designer.

Although this is a fictional app, I learned a lot about visual design and UI patterns by creating the first iterations. I am looking forward to continuing to grow my design skills to round out my interest in user research.

Market Research

To understand the conventions and pain points in the dog walking service industry, I reviewed existing dog walking apps as well as boutique, local dog walking agencies. I used the apps for reference when designing the interface and user flow. I used the boutique agencies to get a better understanding of the market at large including trust signals that might be different from app-based providers.

Top 3 Needs Using An App for Dog Walking

User Persona

User Flow

My user flow below strikes a balance between the customization Wag offers with the ease of Rover. The main benefit to this flow is that users can see the value of the app without making an account. If they choose to make an account, they are given the option to book and if they put in more information, they will see more precise matches.


My first wireframes were done with the minimalistic Rover interface in mind. I also incorporated some of the trust signals from the boutique walking agencies (see the services screen) to put app users at ease and instill confidence that there is a high standard across the agency.

Testing & Iterations

The first iteration of my screens incorporated a simple san serif font and green for its association with freshness and outdoors. I brought the wireframes to life with images and icons but still kept the pared down interface.

After testing with five users, I incorporated a confirmation screen after the user "adds a pet" and moved the pet photo to center because it was overlooked by each user and it is an important element of the overall pet profile.

Posted on Jan 29, 2023