eCommerce Website, Logo, & Brand Design

  • Description: Herb Age International is an online shop for herbal products. The shop offers a wide variety of high-quality natural remedies and wellness products, including herbal medicine, moringa powder, supplements, vitamins, minerals, and more.

  • Project scope: The project included the design of a logo and a WordPress website. The client wanted a modern and professional look that would showcase their products and appeal to customers interested in natural health and wellness.

    My role: I was responsible for designing the logo and the WordPress website for Amin Khan, the founder at this company. This included creating wireframes, mockups, and prototypes, as well as collaborating with the client to ensure that their vision was reflected in the final design.

    Results: The client was extremely happy with the final results and reported a significant increase in sales and customer satisfaction. In fact, the redesigned website and logo helped to attract a new customer base and build brand awareness, leading to a significant boost in business for Herb Age International.

  • Visit my Linkedin profile to potential collaboration opportunities!!

More by Ibrahim Tariq - Brand & Website Design Specialist

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