GROW ROOM | Strain Infographics

Cannabis Strain Infographic Cards

This project was my first paid graphic design job. The owner wanted to have some informational handouts to bring to the twelfth annual cannabis convention which was being held that September (2022). In the fast-growing cannabis industry, every company needs to find ways to set itself apart and Grow Room likes to prioritise education. Thus, I was tasked with designing something to showcase their inventory at the time and give potential customers an overview of the important facts.

Behind the Design:

Each "Strain Card" as I call them contains the following information:

-Strain name

-Strain type

-Main terpene, with a short description

-Mental feel, with further expansion

-Body feel, with further expansion

-Icons for each of the categories for quick and easy recognition

All of the information displayed on these cards was done by me as well, with hours of work going into each one. As recorded in my log of hours, a single card took me around 18 hours to complete, not counting the research, which I did for all of them before starting on the designs.

The majority of the information represented comes from Ask Growers, an incredibly useful site for anyone interested in the nitty-gritty of Cannabis strains. especially if you enjoy sleek page designs and frequent use of visuals. Leafly and AllBud were also of great use in my research process.

Fun Fact! In Maine, Cannabis promotional material cannot contain any imagery of people, animals, or fruits. These were deemed dangerous as they could be "appealing to children".

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