What to Look For in Elementor Addons?

What to Look For in Elementor Addons?

There are a bunch of Elementor add-ons out there. But some don’t work the way they intend to, and some just don’t work at all.

To avoid the hassle of going through them all, and even possibly breaking your website, here are a few things to look out for when looking for your Elementor add-ons.

Price – as with anything, budget has to come into consideration. No one wants to spend more than what you spend on your entire website just for a few add-ons. If you know WordPress all too well, and you’re on a budget, there will most likely be free alternatives to whatever add on you need.

The number of Widgets/Functionality – if you only want to have one specific feature or widget added, there’s no use in getting one that offers 20 more widgets. Although it might be worth looking through them still since you never know what you might like. Just be sure to take note and go back and deactivate and remove the ones you don’t necessarily need.

Aesthetics and Customizability – if you’re building a very specific brand website, it’s worth noting if the extension or add on that you’ll be using offers flexible customization options. Since these add-ons are built by third-party developers, the amount of customization that you can make on their widgets might be limited and end up not conforming to your brand standards.

Support and Updates – keeping your site updated is essential to security. That shouldn’t be different from your add-ons. Making sure that it’s constantly updated by their developers and that you’ll be able to reach out to them whenever you need to.

Code Quality and Performance – Check if the plugin is coded well and is not too bloated. Going for the Elementor addon that provides the most features is not always a good idea. It might slow down your website and impact the performance of other plugins.

It’s best to find a plugin that fulfills your requirements while maintaining performance.

It’s difficult to gauge performance precisely but thorough testing before installation should give you an idea of whether a plugin slows down your website or impacts other plugins.

Compatibility – Although most addons work efficiently with most themes and plugins, some of them might not have the same compatibility. For example, if two of your plugins perform the same task, they might result in plugin conflict and cause some features to misbehave.

It may be beneficial for a little trial and error on your staging site or test website before launching to live. This gives you the opportunity to see how plugins behave before they can impact users.

Having the functions and features that you need for your website is important, but be sure to take note of those above as well since they are equally important.

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Posted on Dec 14, 2022

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