Renewal 2022: Convention Branding

Every year My Daily Choice chooses a theme for their conventions. The theme for 2022 was Renewal. Renewal 2022 is all about starting over and rejuvenating your business. With all the struggles of the past year, convention should give affiliates new hope and restore their faith in their business. With having the focus of convention being on starting over and renewing faith in your business, we wanted to play on the idea of mixing natural and organic elements with MDC’s branding. This concept pushes the boundaries unlike anything MDC has done in the past. It offers a new perspective on what convention looks like and shows you the limitless potential MDC has to offer.

This concept takes a more natural and organic approach to convention by incorporating live botanicals, clean typography and sensory experiences to get affiliates engaged. MDC is here to help affiliates blossom and build belief in themselves, so this concept displays that opportunity. By using soft, elegant typography and a color palette that hints back to MDC’s core brands, this is a new and exciting way to celebrate our affiliates’ successes. 

More by Jamie Blaase

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