E-PAY Online Banking

The product:

E-PAY online banking is easy to use, financial transaction or money monitoring come up with latest innovative technologies to make its easier and time saving for all user. 

E-PAY is to make personalized, transparent, self-service, mobile first, simplicity, aesthetic, holistic for all type of users.


More than 75% of the time that customer spend on offline banking service is waste of time and banks functions to slow to customer service and limited time per day. Even though after some time with advancement of technology banks starts to works digitally as much as physically or traditionally but it is not holistic and inclusive, accessible, usable, equitable, enjoyable, and useful enough to solve people problem and it is not just functional but also UI/UX inability to solve it.


To reach a main goal of transforming the complicated digital banking solutions into something inspiring for users I challenged my selves to build the simplest, personalized,, Self-service, most delightful and enjoyable online banking responsive web design. The online banking UX case study strove to prove that beautiful app design is achievable without losing any of the wide variety of banking functions and products.

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