pure encapsulations motilpro

MotilPro supplement is a natural and safe product that not only helps to improve motility, but also enhances the function of the serotonin and cholinergic systems in the gastrointestinal tract. The formula supports healthy gut motility, which is essential for optimal health and well-being.

Certain foods and healthy lifestyle habits can improve your gut health naturally.

1. Eat Fiber-Rich and Probiotic-Packed Foods

Fiber is a plant-based nutrient that reduces the risk of metabolic diseases by stimulating the growth and diversity of good bacteria in the gut, research suggests. 

Sweet potatoes, spinach, beets, carrots and fennel are full of naturally gut-enhancing fiber. Besides fruits and vegetables, whole grains are a rich source of fiber, too.

Fermented foods like yogurt, kimchi, sauerkraut and kombucha are also prized for their gut-boosting abilities, thanks to the presence of probiotics. 

Yogurt specifically may help calm gastrointestinal conditions like diarrhea, inflammatory bowel disease and constipation. 

One study found people who eat yogurt regularly have more lactobacilli, a gut-benefitting bacteria, in their intestines, as well as fewer enterobacterium, a type of bacteria linked with inflammation.

2. Consider a Supplement

Probiotic supplements like pure encapsulations motilpro have become increasingly popular as word of the importance of gut health continues to spread. While probiotic supplements aren’t a panacea for gut health, there’s some evidence they can give the microbiota a boost and restore gut health under certain conditions.

Posted on Dec 5, 2022