Worthy of Our Songs

For Advent at Northway this year we will spend each week studying the theology behind some of the most beloved Christmas hymns.

Alongside this sermon series we will also be releasing an EP. with renditions of all of the hymns that will be studied. You are currently looking at the album cover for that EP.

I am very stoked on this project! On top of how much I love the finished product of this album cover + campaign branding, the process really made it special.

After designing the hymnals I had a volunteer at Northway who does book binding in her free time create actual books to be photographed. I love seeing people use their unique gifts in creative ways to serve the church.

This wordmark was created for the covers of our faux hymnals and will also appear in environmental and digital spaces

Single Artwork

Below is the artwork that was created for the singles coming our before the EP release. These were created digitally in an attempt to imitate the hymnals since we would not have the hymnals created in time to use photography for the artwork.

Ryan Crisman
Branding, Communications, Kinda Texan

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