University Logo

About Company

Ikoma ITS (Ikatan Orang tua Mahasiswa Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember) is an activity of college student parents in ITS to strengthen relationship and increase quality in ITS. IKOMA ITS has a vision to realize competent graduate and comitted for science, technology, and religious.

Main Idea

As time goes by, to maintain education quality is needed adaptively. A good education maintain will create a competent graduate so it can give positive impact for society. Therefore, water and flower becomes the concept of this logo. The reason of using water and flower for this logo because water can adjust as the vessel (adaptive), water can useful for society, and flower indicate a prosperity.

This logo inspirated from water molecule (H20). The Three merged circles indicate a relationship between IKOMA ITS, ITS college student, and ITS university. A good relationship expressed through a hugs and hand shakes.

See full presentation on my behance here


Unused logo concept

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