Felice Spa - Brand Color Palette

About Felice from the owner: "I always followed the straight path in education and high level sports on the side as this was expected of me. Somewhere during university and the crashing diet required for the rowing, I gained severe health complaints that I could not solve by going to the GP practice. They did not know what was the underlying cause and I had to stop my studies for a while.

Only when I started to look into the field of gut health, and orthomolecular therapy myself, my body started to heal after many months. Orthomolecular therapists helped me heal fully.

A big aspects was also the change of mindset, not only being focused on what is delivered on a daily basis. I was so amazed by the influence this different way of life had on my health that I developed a passion for this field. The way of living even has influence on the gene expression -epigenetics

Therefore for each health complaint I find it important to look at the physical aspects (chemical problems) and the psychological problems/ underlying stress that may be present.

This is why I want to start a combination of a health practice + a spa. An important part of the targeted health complaints will be stool analyses. Hence the requirement for a trustworthy vibe + relaxation."

Posted on Oct 3, 2022