Pharmacy Health and Beauty EXPO

Neighbourhood Pharmacy Association of Canada advocates for pharmacy’s role in providing quality healthcare for Canadians. Their yearly expo brings together the world’s largest pharmacies and pharmaceutical companies.

Rawr Designs was hired by AMP, a successful marketing company located in Canada. NPAC needed a full set of marketing collateral for their expo including printed conference guides, booth packages, location layouts and more. They also needed a website built to generate ticket sales, inform visitors of events and speaker times and locations, and excite potential visitors to the expo.

Rawr designed each printed piece of collateral as well as the expo website. Working with the NPAC’s fun and inclusive color scheme, Rawr went to work. Beginning with the printed collateral, Rawr developed several brochures and large conference guides, as well as pricing documents for conference booths and membership costs. Next came the website; the result was a fast, responsive website full of bright and inviting graphics and colors. The responsive website also included an impressive interactive page that showcased the speakers and the times and locations of each talk. Speakers at the 2019 expo included celebrities such as Michele Romanow.


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