Filecoin Explainer

Hey Dribbble!

This time we are posting a great process preview about the Filecoin explainer video creation. The client was asking for a solution to explain their product for users using the voice and beautiful animations.

Here’s a short story about the steps we took to deliver the animation and receive great client feedback.


Filecoin is an open-source, public cryptocurrency and digital payment system intended to be a blockchain-based cooperative digital storage and data

retrieval method.

The process

The very first step of course is listening to the client’s idea. Filecoin shared with us the information about product, explained what are the most important aspects and simply shared their vision about the video. Right after talking with them we were able to begin with the static sketches for the animation frames.

The feedback

Constructive feedback is important for smooth and effective process. Filecoin did an excelent job in sharing their comments that allowed us to quickly come up with the result they were hoping for.

After the static sketch flow confirmation we are then ready to bring some colors to it! So that’s exactly what we did with Filecoin and turned those frames into great-looking vectorized images for one of the last parts of the

process - transitions.

It is very important that the voice over is created to match the length of the video (and each part of it!) so after a few adjustments it was perfectly alligned.

See for yourself!

Sound design

After motion design is done, the video heads over to sound engineering department for final touches on sound effects and background music.

We actually made 2 videos for Filecoin! But the process was very similar for both of them. Let us know in the comments what you think about the results!

You can find the full explainer videos on our Vimeo

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