Dessert Lettering Play

...You know what they say, right?! JK, I've never heard anyone say this but this was my motto and little white lie while I was pregnant and I think it should be widespread. It first came to mind when I wasn't drinking and for some reason I thought of the silly sayings people have as youths of "Beer before liquor, never been sicker!" or "Liquor before beer, you're in the clear!". (Which is silly, because no matter how much booze you drink, you'll barf regardless.) ANYWAYS, so I started saying this when I was snacking on cookies, cakes and treats constantly when pregnant. It makes me chuckle because I don't care about being thinner in relation to my dessert consumption and I'll eat cookies when I damn well want to.

Just had to play around with a new lettering style.

More by Natasia Martin

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