Turbocart - eCommerce


Led product design, delivered wireframes, high fidelity designs, an interactive prototype, and a developer handoff guide. Created design system and established design and interaction and animation guidelines

Rationale & Approach

Research has shown that when people shop online, they want fast delivery. Shoppers often take fast delivery to mean “same-day delivery”. This is what Turbocart aimed to be, a shopping platform that prioritizes the shopper’s experience by delivering the same day orders are placed. As one of the startup’s first hires, I had the task of helping define the product’s brand and standing out from the competition. 

My work process in this project involved tons of qualitative and quantitative user research around recorded online shopping patterns and the needs of the millennial shopper. This translated to wireframing and designs that were quickly tested for validation.

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Posted on Jun 21, 2022

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