Music Concert Illustration Series

The University of Alberta’s Department of Music presents a number of events throughout the year, including a mainstage concert series. The series features performances from University students, faculty, and even acclaimed international guest artists. Each of the illustrations in the series represents one of the season’s 13 performances, pairing the music to its own unique visual element. The illustrations work independently from one another while also fitting cohesively together like puzzle pieces for a season piece brochure.

Similar to instruments in an orchestra, each of the bright, geometric icons fits into a bigger picture but also functions as a solo performance. The line elements and dots are illustrated in multiple colours to create movement, mimicking the season’s underlying dance themes. The elements are rotating, intertwined and easily interchangeable to be more dynamic and further carry a sense of movement. The brightly coloured, confetti-like dots create a playful atmosphere that speaks to how each concert is a celebration of music and the arts. The illustrations were provided as a toolkit to be used for event promotion.

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