(Safe) Dating App

This is solution of Crowwwn's weekly design challenge.

Problem statement - When I use dating apps, I want to verify the other person is real as well as let my friends and family know who I will be out with, so I can go out safely.

My Solution - Firstly I started the solution by brainstorming. Here we have two major issues. First, lack of verification of real people on dating apps. Second, some people don't feel safe while dating using mobile apps. After a couple of brainstorming sessions, I noted the possible solution and choose the best and most feasible solution. Next, I started designing the wireframe to get an overview of solution implementation. At last, I come up with this design which I uploaded here. So to solve the first problem( lack of reality on a dating app), After a couple of screens (1st intro screen, 2nd personal information, 3rd interests) on the 4th screen app will ask users to upload some kind of identification document to verify them. It will also show the advantage of verification so that people get motivated for it. This will help to increase the reality of people on the dating platform. To solve the second major problem (safety while dating using the mobile app), users have the option to send their dating plans to their friends or guardian. This feature will be optional and users have also control over which information to share with their friends/guardians. This solution is implemented on the last 8th screen. The same screen will pop up when the other partner accepts this date request. That is all about this week's challenge. Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions. Feedbacks are always helpful for me to enhance my skill set. Thank you.

More by Amish Gadhia

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