Traci Lee Yoga

Traci Lee is a yoga instructor based in St. Simon’s Island, GA. She has nearly two decades of experience as a yoga teacher and business owner.

She came to us seeking comprehensive but manageable branding that would help her differentiate herself and more clearly reflect her personality, passions, and unique approach to yoga and life.

We got to know her, her goals, her business, and her community to be able to develop a brand strategy that will provide her with clarity and confidence as she continues to grow. Then we began working on the visual identity to start bringing this strategy to life.

This visual identity concept was developed to include a lot of rich earth

tones and neutrals to reflect a calming, luxurious feel most commonly associated with the eclectic "movement" in decorative arts that emerged in the late 19th century.

We’ve incorporated textures and patterns to add interest to a neutral base and help Traci Lee Yoga to stand out from minimalist brands common in the yoga space. This concept is inviting, warm, and just a bit aspirational to reflect Traci’s focuses on inclusivity, experience, and growth.

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