Connections Scheme

This scheme allows users for a quick overview of the connections one company has with another ones. Not only it shows the connections with companies but also with owners, benefactors, directors, etc. All of this together allows for a better understanding of how one company is related to another.

To further enhance the user experience, a special menu was added that pops up if the scheme has more than an -n number of connections. This was added so that the users won't have to wait for a long time while the scheme is loading. How does this enhances the user experience? First, it gives the user the control of how many connections at once they want to see. For example, if there are a lot of connections related to one company and the user doesn't want to see all of them right here and right now, they can just select what connections they need the most and load only them. Second, this makes the system works faster and smoother as we don't have to load all the information in one moment. However if the user decides to load all of the connections, they can still do that.

Also, on the scheme specific labels were added, so that the user can instantly see the main information about the connection. For example, the user can see if this company is a benefactor, a governmental organization, or something else. They can also get the instant information such as how this organization or person are connected to a specific company and get more information on that instance.

All of this together helps the user find the needed information faster and easier, and stay on top of their findings.

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