Halodoc Revamping Concept

Happy Sunday everyone!!

I try to revamp halodoc (Indonesia based health app) based on my past experience, as I found it’s so many similar menu options that I need to scan when I only need to find a covid test or order some medicine

Based on the case above. In this approach, I try a few things. Such as:

- As I believe that simple is more. So I start to simplify the design itself based on needs, as there is so much menu. The goal is to give what the user needs most first, then the user may explore for another service if it's not on the homepage

- In the top, there is so full of stuff (Username & address) So I decide to keep the address and Put the profile menu into the bottom navigation

- Add a search, as halodoc have so many services

- To help users find a service easier, I give some variation into some menus like "tes covid19" and "konsultasi dengan dokter"

Posted on Feb 19, 2022

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