Instagram AR World Interface

I really want to learn about AR interface design process would be like on Metaverse. Soon or later, designers maybe will transform their physical product into an AR product. However, creative workers are most-benefited stakeholder on this transformation I might say.

I also keep questioning myself about (might be stupid questions for you, lol):

  • Does navigation buttons are still used in AR interface? Since I saw Mark literally move the interface by his hands in AR world. Even random objects also kinda pop up accidentally, like whatever you think in your mind will be projected in the AR world automatically. 😯

  • What accessability rules will be applied? 🤔

  • How the user flows will be designed? 😂

  • There'll be a lot of interactions design right? How to make it seamless, usable, enjoyable, and equitable? 🤐

  • Voice interface for texting, commenting, etc? Let's do it! 🤣

  • Or maybe writing in the air then it will automatically be compiled as text? Sounds cool. 🙃 (maybe we can draw literally with our hand too on Illustrator)

  • Zoom-in-zoom-out like Tony Stark did on his workroom? Hell yeah! 🔥

  • Does it possible too to use voice interface for navigating inside the app? Kinda impossible, but why not?! 😯

  • And lastly, maybe the main problem. How we can adapt with this new kind of behaviour and culture across generations? Um, okay. I'll go to my bed now. 😫

I guess it'll takes so much time to get there. But still not possible obviously!

I don't know, I'm so beyond curious! How about you? As a designer you must have a questions that curious you about AR product's design process would be like. Or maybe you have stupid questions like I have? Lol

Let's discuss in the comment section! 😁 Would love to hear your thoughts!

More by Rhenald Karrel

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