Hummingbird Icon
This has been something I've been wanting to post for quite a while now.
Originally, this icon was meant for an iOS Twitter client I was working on. Since then, we've decided to merge projects with another W.I.P. Twitter Client (Nightingale for iOS) to create an even better Twitter client.
This icon has become /kind of/ unnecessary after our project merge because let's be honest here, what's the use of a hummingbird as an icon for an app called "Nightingale"
This was a very special shot because this was also the same shot that got me invited to Dribbble a few months back. I've wanted to post this as my first shot for quite some time now, but then, we didn't want to ruin the surprise of our app.
The styling of the icon has gone through many iterations, and even though our final icon prior to the merge looks different from this, I chose to upload this version because hey! It was the one that got me into Dribbble :D
Either way, Enjoy :)