Warner Camp

A landing page for a summer camp that has a lot of stuff going on. The original website nav bar just felt cluttered and had way too many options. We consolidated into drop down menus and differentiated between "insider" and "guest" and kind of made 2 different nav bars in 1 for each category of visitor to the site.

The hero section also features a video of the camp and a pop up box for summer camp sign ups that can be customized by the client.

We used the animated sunrise screen to act as a load screen between each page to give the illusion of the website navigating between pages without going to a blank browser screen. that way when the page is loaded the user doesn't see assets loading.

The camp also has a store that we are designing with a drop down cart attached to the nav bar. to not clutter the screen when there is nothing in the cart.

This project is not yet developed and is still in the design and concept stage.

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Posted on Oct 22, 2021

More by Michael Johnson

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