Today's word is of great origin and has a wide range of meanings

To the extent that Allah captured her knowledge, he did not give man a way to know her, and you would like to see them in the noble verses (Al-Isra 5-8) (Al-Hijr 29).

Before I started writing the word or thinking about its form, I searched a little for the meanings of the word soul, and the soul came out, not the soul, but on the contrary, this soul is what gives life to a soul, and that soul is the body and soul together.

The soul is a gentle body like the wind.

But we can feel it and also when you feel harmony and beauty in silence like this with your soul, Allah.

Since the mood of the poor slave’s soul is in vibration and instability, I turned to express this in simple parts of the letters of the word, and I found that the Naskh script is the most appropriate need to express the feeling and movement of the wind.

More by Mohamed Abdel Jawad

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