BURMA BURMA Logo Redesign & Collaterals

Burma Burma is a Burmese restaurant chain spread across India. They contacted me as they wanted to freshen up their existing logo and create a unique pattern that would be used across their packaging as well as their logo. I drew inspiration from Burma’s essence, culture and traditions. The Logo pays homage to that.

We also collaborated on their other collaterals like designing their Introduction Menu Cover, Dessert menu cover, incorporating the pattern into their existing Food Packaging Bag, Takeaway Box, Chopstick Sleeves and more.

This design is a perfect example of my love for shapes and fluid patterns as well as striking color palettes and contrasting textures.

Behance Link To Project - https://www.behance.net/gallery/120654777/BURMA-BURMA-Logo-Redesign-Collaterals

Looking for a Unique Logo, Identity or Illustration for your brand?

Get in touch via DM / Email arjundhanuka8@gmail.com

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/_monost8_/?hl=en

Behance - https://www.behance.net/monost8

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