A New Beginning of ERION ARTWORK

ERION ARTWORK it is online again and has been renewed! I have been working for months doing my best, hope you like the new design of this website.

I have decided to make it as a Blog, publishing different types of content such as illustrations, traditional art with graphite pencils and Chinese ink, drawings, exercises I have made in courses, photography compositions, downloadable templates, 3D modelling, crafts such as origamis, and much more.

I will try to publish regularly, for example 3 times a week to improve my abilities, and to share with you the art I make. If you have suggestions, constructive criticism, or anything you want to tell me, use the contact form, and write me a message. I will gladly answer your questions and feedback! Thank you in advance!

More to come in the next couple of days, I have prepared a lot of things and slowly I will publish them.

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Posted on Jul 17, 2021


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