Nurse Pear

A staffing agency can save your business time and money and find well-qualified candidates.
A staffing agency acts as a middleman between employers and workers, helping to match qualified candidates with companies that have current job openings.
If your business needs additional labor, working with a staffing agency can save your company time, plus it offers other benefits as well, including flexibility and reduced potential legal risks.
Staffing agencies charge a markup that typically ranges from 25% to 100% of the hired employee's wages.
This story is for business owners and hiring managers who have never worked with a staffing agency previously but are looking to grow their business's team by partnering with one.
Finding qualified talent remains challenging for many small companies. Reviewing applications, interviewing candidates and negotiating salaries all take precious time away from a business owner's existing obligations, which may end up hurting the business in the long run. That's why some employers partner with staffing agencies, which take a lot of the time and effort out of the search for candidates by providing their own workers for open roles.


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