2 WHEELS is a bike rental app borne out of a need to make bikes easy and accessible to rent in suburban cities. The application is designed for people who need to run a quick errand/ trying to beat traffic or just wants to enjoy a bike ride they have not had in a while. The distinct features of the app includes geo-location, convenient filtered options so you get the choose a bike much more suited to your taste, in-app reviews and so on.

The Goal
Application of UX Research to understand the in-depth problems users face when it comes to renting/ hiring bikes.
Use the data gathered after conducting the UX research and start a brainstroming session aimed at solving these problems and improving the general experience of renting bikes.
Map out the solutions and begin the implementation in the design of the app in relation to user experience, wireframing, prototyping and usability of the app making it much more easier to rent bikes.

The Problem
Renting bikes is quite difficult and inaccessible for people living in most of these cities.
Proper knowledge of companies offering the bike rental service is non existent and makes them almost impossible to locate.
Users lack software to make the process of renting bikes easy and make for a seamless experience.

The Solution
Renting bikes should be made easy and accessible to users.
Users should be able to rent bikes nearest to their location to improve general convenience.
A user-friendly software aimed at ,making the process easy and seam;ess should be made available for users.

My Role
For this project, I was the Product Designer (UI/UX) for a 4- month duration. I also sought the opinions of other experts in UI/UX field for more insights.

The Design Process
RESEARCH- Understanding the problem; Competitive analysis; User interview/survey

DEFINE- User requirements; User persona; User scenarios

UX DESIGN- Information architecture; User journey/flow; Wireframes

UI DESIGN- Visual designs; Use of Figma design tool

PROTOTYPE- Usability testing; Use of Framer prototyping tools

Project Duration
The project took about 3 months and the I spent most time with the UX research/design as it’s importance cannot be overemphasized.

Understanding the Problem
Similar apps are not so user friendly as user faces complex UI and such apps needs to simple and precise so as not to further confuse the user as regards bike rentals.
There is a need for location accessible/ dependent bikes .therefore more bikes need to be available across different locations.
Users need the payment options that are easy and convenient such as paying with their bank or card.

Market Overview
Users would love apps which gives them discount or coupon codes.
Users would love location tracking to be enabled so as to share with close acquittances, family and friends for security reasons.
Users would love that the bikes are serviced weekly and regularly maintained to prevent accidents.

User Research
For the interview, I set up questions from my research and asked prospective users. Here are some of the questions and answers:
Question 1: “What’s the effect of traffic on your day to day life and how has it affected your punctuality?
Answer 1: “It has been horrible! I wish there was a way around it.”
Answer 2: “I’ve been late countless times to work and even back home due to traffic.”

Question 2: “Would it have been better if you could rent a bike closest to you?”
Answer 1: “Yes! I’ve always wished to rent bikes even to go to the store but couldn’t.”
Answer 2: “I wish I could rent a bike. It will save me from traffic and I’ll get to work in time.”

Question 3: “Would an app that allows you to rent bikes for an amount per duration be ok?”
Answer 1: "Of course! I’ll even be able to rent with friends for some weekend rides.”
Answer 2: Yes! It will save me a lot of time, embarrassment and would improve my punctuality.”

User Requirements
Users should be able to navigate through the app from well detailed onboarding pages.
Users should be able to create accounts and login/ sign-in to use app.
Users should be able to locate bikes nearest to their locations.
Users should be able to scan and unlock bikes with a code generated.
Users should be able to end and lock the bikes after use.
User should be able to see the amount and distance for a trip.
Users should be able to pay with their bank card or wallet funded by their bank cards.
Users should be able to log/ sign out.

Colour Pallete
#00FF21; #1B1F1E; #F1FFFE

SF Pro Text: 23px
SF Pro Text: 21px
SF Pro Text: 19px
SF Pro Text: 17px
SF Pro Text: 15px
SF Pro Text: 13px

I am open to jobs, projects and collaboration.

Email: buoromichael4@gmail.com
Phone no: 08172842168

Posted on Jun 2, 2021

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