MTL on Mange/Eat MTL (PWA): sign in and log in

I read recently somewhere on Medium that having a vertical visual look for the mock-ups as UX/UI design was bad because it doesn't help it visually despite it looking good. Well, it's a good thing I post it without an angle because I don't have a pro 😅!

🙌Here is a simple sign in and log in page for consumers and vendors to have access to the progressive web application 😄😄😄.

And is it only me? I'm posting it as recommended (1600 x 1200) but it's still showing a bit blurry unless you click on it🤨? Strange...

👇Feel free to like or comment!

👉Here is my website if you want to check out my process:

👁👅👁Here is my own medium article I wrote about in VR and its social benefit:

👉Here is a short prototype if you want to check it out first hand:

More by Jeanny Kim

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