We often have negative opinions about ourselves. The exercise of being naked and standing in front of a mirror to observe every body part will help us realize the beauty of this precious body. This body is not your own or anyone else, it's a cosmic masterpiece. You are not the only owner of this body, but the universe. How can you judge something if you don't own it? We need to be grateful for what the universe offers us. Judgment makes you lose your confidence.

As you look at your body, realize that this is not your body but a creation of the universe. There are billions of cells inside it. Every time you judges something, it affects every cell. So apologize to the cells when you judge your body. Love yourself first, then the other people would love you.

Do not let yourself become a person full of stress, fear, lack of confidence. You are wasting this beautiful life. Be mindful of your thoughts. When you live with love, you will be beautiful and radiant like an inner flower. Don't this as a compulsive exercise, but practice with deep, commitment and connection.
21 Exercises To Practice Transforming Art, Master Ojas Oneness.

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