Web Design Leader SEO Portfolio News HistoryBLOG TPC Design

This is an exciting Website Design, Graphics, Logo, Packaging, Copy Writing and SEO project for a commercial product inventor with over 100 patents in the medical, aerospace, automatove, entertainment, manufacturing, and fitness markets.

View the website demo live here:

View the Web Design Leader Website here:

The entire scope of the project from website, graphics, copy, branding, and search engine optimization was performed by Abraham at Web Design Leader. It took about a month to finalize, and initial drafts were complete in under a week.

Web design was created for mobile-first viewing, with responsive design, smooth scrolling, fancy animations, search engine friendly pages, branding strategy, and competition research and analysis.

Site functions include live chat, call-to-actions, newsletter, subscription, scheduling, blog.

Copy Writing was performed by Web Design Leader as well, here are some excerpts from this particular page:

History in the making

Learn about the history of TPC Design and discovery more about our upcoming products and patents!

Heat Insulating Blanket Patent Product Patent Portfolio: Heat Insulating BlanketA blanket formed of heat and flame resistant materials and adapted to be placed adjacent to a structural part to isolate it thermally from other, adjacent structural parts.Product Patent DetailsPatent AbstractA blanket...”

View the website design live here:

View the Web Design Leader + SEO Website here:

More by Web Design Leader (Kaboomski Studios Founder)

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