[YouTube TUTS] React Native Animated Tabs & Animated Indicator

Watch it here: https://youtu.be/ZiSN9uik6OY

🔥 Create a React Native Animated Tabs indicator / Dynamic Tabs indicator that will dynamically change its width and position based on React Native FlatList scrollX.

In this video tutorial we'll learn how to create:
- learn how to create an animated tabs using React Native FlatList
- learn how to animate a tabs indicator
- learn how to create an animated tabs indicator using Animated API
- learn how to measureLayout and use React Native findNodeHandle

Built using @expo, vanilla React Native Animated API and FlatList.

This code works in plain React Native project as well since we are using only React Native APIs such as Animated and FlatList in order to create a React Native Animated Tabs and Animated tabs indicator that will scale and position according to the active slide from the FlatList.
Watch it here: https://youtu.be/ZiSN9uik6OY
⚠️ Access full source code: https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=20582060


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