Ustad Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan Saab

कभी यहाँ तुम्हें ढूँढा, कभी वहाँ पहुँचा, तुम्हारी दीद की ख़ातिर कहाँ-कहाँ पहुँचा, ग़रीब मिट गए, पा-माल हो गए लेकिन, किसी तलक न तेरा आज तक निशां पहुँचा |

हो भी नहीं और, हर जा हो हो भी नहीं और, हर जा हो तुम इक गोरख धंदा हो!

Sufism is always known to have this mystical side to its music that can lead us onto an inward journey. How often do we erroneously interpret its lines to be romantically inclined to the love of a mortal? Seldom do we have minds that understand how Sufi music, its words, lead us to Universal Love, or what some choose to call "God". Have you wondered why love is divine? Love is personal, having nothing to do with a partner, our inherent power that allows us to transform into beauty. The Dervish connects to God as he swirls to the lines sung by the Sufi Saint who describes God/ the Universe as a lover that we long to hold! He keeps going on, lost and ecstatic, arms flung open to be accepted, abandoning all for the sake of love.. How else do you express love, if not by surrender?

So tell me, how often do you swirl like a Dervish within your own heart? Arms wide open, waiting to be received by your beloved? How often have you surrendered to yourself?


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