LinkedIn — Search Results Feedback

Hello everyone!

I'm back, this time with another shot of a design exploration I did while working on LinkedIn to capture explicit user feedback on search results.


Search engines are constantly evolving to provide better and more relevant results to users. However, they are not perfect and sometimes they need feedback from humans to improve their performance.


When LinkedIn members run a search, they will see an option directly embedded in the search results to quickly provide feedback. Depending on how their search experience goes, they would have the option to like or dislike the results offered, and optionally provide a more detailed feedback in the case of a negative experience (a thumbs-down signal). In the text entry box that appears, users are encouraged to provide explicit feedback related to what they like or dislike about the search experience, things that are confusing or don't work, or suggestions for making the LinkedIn search better. Whatever it is in their minds if they feel like sharing it.

Why is user feedback important for search engines?

Feedback is important for search engines because it helps to identify and fix errors, gaps, and biases in their algorithms and data. Feedback also helps to understand user needs, preferences, and behaviors better, and adjust search results accordingly. Feedback can also help test new features, experiments, and changes before launching them to the public. By receiving feedback from humans, search engines can improve their quality and relevance, and provide a better user experience.

That's all for now folks. Hope to get back with a new shot soon. Hit 'L' if you're all about action!

Julio Reguero
Welcome to my design portfolio on Dribbble

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