Offer page on 3 devices

📱💻📺 Three devices, three layouts, three different experiences, but the same feeling?

Maintaining UI consistency across these three can be challenging. Therefore, it's crucial to establish simple rules that can be apply from one screen to another.

For instance, here components maintain consistent sizes between mobile and desktop interfaces, as the viewing distance and real-world component sizes are similar. However, on TV screens, each element is doubled in size for optimal readability. Adhering to this guideline simplifies decision-making and ensures a more cohesive app.

Regarding UX, there are minor adjustments: the smartphone interface features a "close" icon due to its fullscreen nature, while on desktop, this icon appears outside as it pertains to a modal view. On TV, no such icon is necessary, as the physical "back" button on the remote serves this function.

Additionally, the subscribe button receives special treatment on TV, considering the distinct navigation paradigm. While the inclusion of a sidebar akin to desktop interfaces was a possibility, it was awkward.

More by Franck Helaine

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