ewelry is often associated with happiness, celebration or just admiring something beautiful. ⁣

But it’s origin is far from pretty.⁣

Many of the commodities used in the jewelry industry are not ethically sourced, meaning they are extracted without caring on giving fair working conditions to their miners and without caring about the negative impact they are causing on our environment. ⁣

These unsupervised practices can lead to child labor, slavery, human trafficking, water pollution, etc.⁣

Nowadays, people are paying more attention to the food that they buy, where does it come from and if it’s organic or locally grown. ⁣

They take notice of the ingredients many processed foods are made of. The same is happening with beauty products and clothes. ⁣

So why shouldn’t we do the same with the the jewelry that we get? ⁣

For many of us, the idea of acquiring products with such burden underneath was unthinkable. We trusted the „information“ provided to us and kept consuming. ⁣

It is never to late to inform ourselves. We are lucky enough to have the tools to do better.⁣

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