Energy Savings on Autopilot

The concept of the Smart Home is rapidly becoming an every day reality. Cycling through the trillion colors of my Lifx bulbs to set the perfect scary movie scene is my jam, and I've found some pretty creative uses for smart plugs. One of the less-obvious perks of the Smart Home is the potential not only to streamline your daily routine, but also to help slash energy waste—without so much as lifting your phone or yelling obscenities at Alexa when she plays "Shout" instead of turning the "lights out" at bedtime (just me? no? okay).

You can use a smart thermostat to set a schedule that allows your HVAC to run less when no one is home or while you're sleeping. A combo of smart lights, plugs, and various sensors can automate routines. I rarely turn lights on in my home anymore, nor do I have to worry about leaving them on if I am not around—it's all on the schedule, bay-beeee.

Since I started working for an energy-focused smart home company, I have learned so much about how to be use these tools to become energy wiser. If you live in Michigan, I highly encourage you to check out the free DTE Insight App and try building your own energy-wise Smart Home!

---- Shoutout to the super talented Daron Simon for creating the initial illustrations for this animation! These have been a learning process for the both of us, but having a great team makes that process all the better. 🤙

Sara Rose
✌️ 😊 ✨

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