Citizen Data Wallet for Nutanix Design Challenge

Nutanix recently hosted a student competition for UX design. They asked the participants to design a social credit system to be used by the mayor of a fictional city.

That upset me very much. I believe a social credit system is fundamentally immoral and infringes on the privacy and freedom of citizens. I refused to be party to such a thing.

I reframed the problem statement. instead. How might we give people of Encoria more control over their data, and help them understand how this data is used?

When I was at IXDA Milan, I attended a talk by a guy called Andrew Hoppin who proposed what he called a "Fiduciary Data Trust for all Citizens".

It would be a designated proxy to manage Privacy Rights, Personal Data Storage, and Contextual Consent Choices for citizens.

It would be a bottom up, collective service that moves from personal proxy power to collective data governance and returns power over our data to us.

As an example, I designed a mockup of what a citizen's data wallet could look like. The citizen would be able to see the data that private companies had collected about them and would be able to specify in what context and with whom it should be shared.

I did not win, obviously. I am fairly sure these kinds of companies who would ask such a ridiculous question in a challenge in the first place (Social Credit?! Seriously???) would not understand the solution I proposed since it threatens their business model (cloud computing services for big data - they would LOVE social credit, I am sure).

I do not care. I am very proud of it, and would probably work on refining it in my spare time, because there are a bunch of interesting design questions to be solved here, such as redesigning privacy policies and consent sheets.

Do let me know what you think!

Posted on Apr 10, 2020

More by Chandra Ramanujan

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