
January 31, 2022

We have changed the way you navigate on Console Connect - simplifying and enhancing our IA by introducing a 2 level left nav.Take a look at the attachments to see the subcomponents that make up the left nav in the prototype, and where we...

Hi and Low res icons

January 23, 2022

Here's some icons we created for various products and services on the platform.

Register your company

January 21, 2022

Some placeholder illustrations and prompts to register your company on the platform

Sign up

November 07, 2021

We've recently released a little refresh to our sign up process.

Network dashboard - tablet

December 09, 2020

Our new dashboard is fully responsive. Here it is on a tablet showing you the state of your network, providing insights and quick links to see more, or provision new services.

Network dashboard - mobile

December 08, 2020

Our new dashboard is fully responsive, showing you the state of your network, providing insights and quick links to see more, or provision new services.

Network dashboard

December 07, 2020

Our new dashboard showing you the state of your network, providing insights and quick links to see more, or provision new services.


September 10, 2020

Some Personas that we created based on users on our platform, interviews and support tickets. The personas contain info about the user and the company they work for.