Franchise Details page

June 22, 2022

The franchise details page shows an extensive detiail about the franchise displayed, details like about franchise, company data, founders details , financials and the abiility to scheldule. call with the franchise or visit their website ...

Frantable landing page breakpoints

June 17, 2022

Working on breakpoints for different screens to ensure pixel perfect implementation from the developers, for all the pages designed, I worked on designing different breakpoints , the breakpoints designed was for Small screen (320px), Med...

Filter information

June 13, 2022

Working on the filter page of the franchise checker UI, displaying the range secondary information to get the minimum and maximum value from the profit margin box in the filters section

How it works illustrations

June 09, 2022

Some iterations for the how it works section of the landing page i am working section, I felt it was good to use proudct illustrations to show what happens at each stage

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Olayanju Idris