User Details

February 28, 2019

Some more exploring of card item expansion. Playing around with some transitions and shape animations to achieve fast and smooth card open/close effect as well as card header animation upon scroll.

Matches Feed

February 27, 2019

Testing out Ui elements for "Matches Feed" screen variation. I considered animating the percentage circle around the user photo but thought there would be too much going on then.

MotaMeet Onboarding

June 14, 2018

Smooth and simple animated pages for "MotaMeet" app onboarding flow, inlcuding custom illustrations. Thanks to @Ramotion for this awesome iPhone mockup! Check out our work:

Friends List

June 11, 2018

Exploring "Pals" feature layout and animation for MotaMeet app. Card opening and scrolling through content. Check out our work:

Create Account Manually

May 14, 2018

A simple "Manual account creation" transition, work in progress for "MotaMeet" app. Check out our work:

Search Matches

April 20, 2018

This is work in progress for an app which helps people connect by finding their matches based on interests, hobbies, work, lifestyle etc. Each icon on profile card represents your common interest, while colored icon backgrounds show whi...

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