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Meetup closed

It’s too late to attend, but you can sign up to be notified of upcoming meetups near you.

Who’s going? 17 attendees

  1. Alanna Murphy
  2. Samantha Shepherd
  3. Sharon Belanger Tender
  4. Mark Leiker
  5. Mai-lan Huynh
  6. Schaumin
  7. Original Limited
  8. Brendan Ciccone
  9. emily defay
  10. Kevin Taylor
  11. Taylor Kidd Zegarra
  12. Isham Harris
  13. Chris Leyva
  14. Alexander Kusminov
  15. Ryan Foose
  16. Luis P.
  17. Robbie Smith

Where is it?

Coppertail Brewing Co.
2601 East 2nd Ave.
Tampa, Florida 33605

Geolocation provided by OpenStreetMap.

Nothing says July like fireworks, beer and the red, white and blue!

While we can’t promise fireworks, we can promise access to beer and a star spangle themed analog challenge! That’s right Tampa Bay, it’s time for our July Dribbble Meetup and we will be kicking back the brews at Coppertail Brewing Co. while we get to know one another and test our design skills IRL.

Not on Dribbble yet? Are you a prospect still looking to nab that elusive invite? Join us anyways as all are welcome, and you will probably find that invite you want in the process. :D

Come prepared to have a good time as you learn just how rich and interesting the design industry in Tampa is. If you have some personal art you would like to share, bring it along and enjoy some swag courtesy of the awesome folks at Dribbble, as well as your fellow Tampa Dribbblers!

Here’s what you can expect:

  • Meet and Greet: Psst. Hey you. Yeah, you…We know you’re nervous. Heck, so are we, but unlike most awkward parties where you don’t know anyone, at this party you have an advantage…We all speak the same language: Design! Join in and make connections with your fellow designers as you realize that hey, this wasn’t so bad after all, you CAN mingle and make new friends! :D

  • Analog Challenge: Take part in our RL version of player shots where everyone competes for a prize while completing a design challenge! It’s America’s birthday, so come prepared to celebrate as we tackle a Fourth of July themed challenge!

  • Swag & Art Swap: Did we mention there will be swag and art?! There’s nothing like trading your stickers, posters and other swag with your fellow creatives! If you plan on coming and have anything you would like to share, bring it for the swap! If there’s one thing designers love, it’s sweet design, in limited quantities. Let’s feed each other’s collections! :D

  • Awesome Atmosphere: We are back to the breweries folks! Coppertail Brewing has been kind enough to allow us to descend on their tasting room and take part in their locally crafted beer as we talk shop and get to know one another. Enjoy some of Tampa’s finest adult beverages and soak in that ambiance…

The Meetup will take place from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. Please bring a valid ID if you plan to enjoy the bar. Come spend a few hours getting to know your fellow creatives as we talk design.

Hit that big ol’ RSVP button and make plans to be there. It’s Tuesday, what else do you have going on!?