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Meetup closed

It’s too late to attend, but you can sign up to be notified of upcoming meetups near you.

Who’s going? 13 attendees

  1. Jorge Castro
  2. Asad Abdul Malik
  3. Muhammad Zeeshan Ashraf
  4. Fatimah Obaid
  5. Ahmed Iqbal
  6. Daniyal Ali
  7. Ali Aziz
  8. Twowls
  9. Abdullah khan
  10. Mubassir Hayat
  11. Kashif Taj

Where is it?

Basecamp Peshawar
Nasir Bagh Road, Arbab Tower, Peshawar, Pakistan
Peshawar, KP 25000

Geolocation provided by OpenStreetMap.

Meetup Details

Welcome to Peshawar’s Dribbble Community Meet Up. We are to start a monthly meet up session with creative designers of our community based within and outside the city, on drinks, caffeine, and food. We’re looking to combine the community, network, socialize and start a conversation by sharing our stories, challenges, and experiences, ask and answer questions, extend support and get help, and connect creatives in a very friendly, casual and relaxed atmosphere.

Designers, illustrators and creators unite! On the 30th of November 2017, we will be having the 1st Dribbble Peshawar meet-up. During the event, artists will showcase one work based on the theme. After that, we will have time to get to know other people and enjoy some beer and pizza.

What is this editions creative theme you ask?

The theme is “Civic Hacking.” Let’s put our creative minds to work for good. So feel free to make, gifs, illustrations, photos, logos or whatever work your heart desires that best represents your love for your community, how would you encourage others to adopt or just showcase your inner spirit for the community.

See you there!