Running Destinations

February 09, 2016

Hey Dribbblers, Here is a small concept I was playing with a rainy day to remember all running I did abroad last year. A great way to remember and get inspired by travel experiences from a running perspective. Hope you like it friends....

Running Activities

August 25, 2015

This summer I spent a week in Barcelona, visiting the Sonar festival. Besides enjoying the music I had a great week of running. 83,95 km in total. A metric that inspired me to bring the statistics to life. Here shown a first stab at a ...

Running Reports

May 25, 2015

Morning! Still exploring running concepts, here shown some visual exploration for a running reports app. I use Garmin Connect to keep track of my results but it is hard to get an overview of your totals. This concept fixes that issue, ...

iOS Coming Races

May 13, 2015

Another shot from my running app concepts. Here a card UI showing different marathon races. An inspiring way to learn about races around the world and adding them to your running schedule.

Running Activities

April 29, 2015

Further exploration for a running concept series. This shot feature an calendar day view with your running activities and team buddies. Make sure you check out @2x preview and the attachment!

Coaching Weather App

April 15, 2015

Shot #2 in the running series I am working on. Another weather app? Yes, but this is the coaching weather app. Always ready to give you that extra boost when doubting to go outside the door for a run. Keeps track of runners in your area...

Running Races for Apple Watch

April 15, 2015

Hello Dribbblers! Here is shot #1 in a running concept series I am working on. Aiming to explore ideas and UI in minimal app designs focused on running. This watch app will show start number and guide you to the pickup so you can focus ...

Running Goals

March 04, 2015

One of several running concepts I am working on at the moment. Add your races and the events needed to be completed in order to achieve your desired results. More running ideas are also in the making. I hope to get these pieces together...