Taking control of your taxes

April 15, 2020

Here's an illustration that's a part of a larger system I created for a local financial education service geared toward ~millennials~ Animation by Latham Arnott am I the only one that can't @ people anymore lol? Would love it if you w...

Money date

April 09, 2020

Part of a large illustration system I put together which you can see a ton more about here: http://bone.haus/igc and on behance https://www.behance.net/gallery/94432573/In-Good-Company-Branding-Illustration-System

Staying Philanthropic

April 07, 2020

Whoa I finally posted some new work in my portfolio that I'm super proud of :) I've been focusing on brand illustrations the last year or two and this particular one has been fun, really strategic, thoughtful, and successful through thei...

Available for new projects

Get in touch
Kirk! Wallace