Snowboard Summit Conditions - Register - Verify Email

January 20, 2021

The design idea I had was based off of creating snowboarding app for people to snowboard. This is screen will show after the user completed the register screen.

Snowboard Summit Conditions - Register

January 13, 2021

The design idea I had was based off of creating snowboarding app for people to snowboard. This is where the user will register for an account.

Snowboard Summit Conditions - Login

January 06, 2021

This is the login screen users will be brought to after the splash screen. Users will be able to choose to sign up regular through the app. They can also choose to sign up through Facebook or Twitter.

Snowboard Summit Conditions - Splash Screen

November 16, 2020

The design idea I had was based off of creating snowboarding app for people to snowboard.

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Britney Core